Tuesday, November 14, 2017

November and Student Recognition for Responsibility

November is all About Civility and Communication 

This month's character traits are Civility and Communication.  Students will learn about  being kind to friends, peers, family, and adults and to use kind words when talking to others. What are ways your student can use civility at home?
Communication is the way people express their ideas, thoughts, and feeling to each other.  During November, students learn the different ways they can communicate, and how to communicate while using civility.

Responsibility Recognition for October
Here is a list of Students caught being responsible last month!  Several of their teachers wrote out the ways they were being responsible!



Angel Olvera – “Angel is always on task, always listening, and returning homework.”
Jayden Mendoza – “Jayden is here on time, every day, with homework.”


Siam Ngo – “Siam brings homework daily and finishes her daily work.”
Abrahim Silva Palacios – “He consistently return homework and puts material back where they belong.”


Maata Makoni – “She has shown responsibility by consistently following school and class expectation and always doing her personal best.”
Bejud Oman


Eileen Diaz Gonzalez – She’s recognized for “completing and turning in all assignments and all are well done”
Lisa Mila – She’s recognized for “completing and bringing all of Ms. Hilton’s homework.”


Thank you students for practicing these behaviors and for your wonderful examples! 

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